Pat Connor 2016 Honorary CitizenThe 2016 Harlan Days Honorary Citizen is Pat Connor. One of the reasons Pat was chosen to be this year’s Honorary Citizen is because of the many, many years she has worked to help Harlan Days and Harlan Park become what it is today. Pat started volunteering with Harlan Days over 50 years. She has done many jobs for Harlan Days including: managing and supplying the Pepsi wagons, working the donut tent, and working the food line in the food tent. She has also been the secretary for the Harlan Community Association for 40 years.

Pat grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana and moved to Harlan in May of 1955 after marrying her husband in 1953. She is the proud mother and grandmother of 5 children, 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Pat is an active member of Harlan United Methodist Church, serving as the church secretary and a member of the women’s group. Pat is retired and enjoyed crafting and spending many winters in Florida. She still keeps busy as she is an avid reader.

When asked if she had anything memorable to say about past Harlan Days events, this is what she remembered most: she remembers the women on HUMC sorting, soaking and baking the beans at the school for the food tent. She also remembers the fireworks, hot air balloon rides, loud tractor pulls, circus acts, combine demolition derbies, the horse races and of course all of the many grand parades. Pat probably has many more memories that are too numerous to even be listed here!

Harlan appreciates all the time that Pat has donated to volunteer at Harlan Days and the Harlan Community Association and she is still a great asset to our community. Be sure to wave as she passes by in the parade on Saturday morning and thank her for her service over the years. Harlan is honored to have this special citizen!

-Harlan Days Committee